Tuesday, March 11, 2008


It's a funny feeling to realize you're stressed when it should have been obvious from the start.

1. Grandma is dying-we're down to weeks.
2. I think I have to go to the dentist ( I hate hate HATE the dentist)
3. My neck has been knotted and in general pain for almost 2 weeks now.
4. We just moved.
5. I hate my job.
6. To top it all off I had a nice big blow out with Ken last night- everything is fine now though-thankfully.

So after I realized all of these things are stressing me out, I thought "Why keep it in?" I think this was probably one of the reason blogs were created in the first place.

The top two things on my stress liat are probably Grandma and my job. Grandma for obvious reasons- I keep checking my phone to see if I've missed a call from my dad- wondering if I will have to take time off of work, wondering if it will affect the Florida trip in two weeks. In a way I just wish the other shoe would drop already!

My job- I can't even begin to tell you how much better life would be if I didn't wake up during the week and just dread coming into work. I'm sure even people who generally love their job have days like this, but pretty much every day is like this for me. All I have to do is think about all the assholes I will deal with in one day, all the people who will obviously be thinking "God, this girl is stupid." And it's enough to make me just not show up. I dream about the day I will be able to quit. It makes me want to throw up when I think about the fact that I have to work for the next 40 years.

I'm going to get myself a smoothie and think about the best things in my life. Maybe I'll even make a list...