Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I Promise You Will Never Hear Me Speak of This Again

This is my Island Press rant. Read if you want, or don't. Whatever.
This rant is in part, inspired by the transmittal meeting I attended the other day. Transmittal is the meeting we go to when editorial turns a manuscript over to us for production.
I can't stand the way everyone in editorial and marketing wets themselves over a book they think is going to be big and start a movement and get students involved etc etc. GIVE ME A BREAK. No book at Island is going to set the world on fire and it won't get students invovled with cute little anecdotes about writers from Vermont dressing up as endangered maple trees reading poems by Robert Frost.
Also, you want cyber marketing? Here's a tip. GET THE WEBSITE UP BEFORE THE BOOK IS IN COPYEDIT. Or better yet, HAVE A NAME FOR THE WEBSITE. I can't wait till this book is too expensive (it already is) and we don't sell 9,000 copies like marketing says they will.
It's not totally their fault. They just don't have the manpower to launch a mmarketing campaign like this or to draw the kinds of books they want. But they don't accept this fact. They try to make themselves into something they can't be. It's sad, it's really sad. There's no money for anything and they just end up losing money. For instance, almost 50 grand on one title from the spring 06 list.
They keep making poor decisions over and over and they act all surprised when shit goes wrong.
OK, I'm done I suppose. That feels better.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Why is life going by so quickly? I feel like I snapped my fingers and the weekend was gone. I think I've gotten too into my "normal" schedule. It's so comfortable to work five days and then have two full days off. I need to get out of this "rut" because I have to find a second job while I freelance for Island. I'm actually thinking about B&N. Just typing that made me die a little on the inside.
Good Lord, do I love Intervention. The video game addict is the best. He really sucks at life.
Addiction isn't funny.

Friday, January 26, 2007

A Good Start

For those of you who don't know (and many of you don't) I am a HUGE William Carlos Williams fan (or WCW as I refer to him in my head...what great initials!) I am currently mid-obsession and I wanted to share him with the world (or the three to four people who will read this: britt, pants, ry, maybe ben, maybe jess, maybe ken) he is so beautiful and simple--yet complex. I love when authors pack a huge punch with only three little words, makes me wish I was that smart/talented. As I try to write for Britt's new zine reading more helps, espeially poetry, wonder what that tiggers in your brain? Hm.
anyway- here are exceprts from "Asphodel That Greeny Flower"
Of asphodel, that greeny flower,

like a buttercup

upon its branching stem-

save that it's green and wooden-

I come, my sweet,

to sing to you.

We lived long together

a life filled,

if you will,

with flowers. So that

I was cheered

when I came first to know

that there were flowers also

in hell.


I'm filled with the fading memory of those flowers

that we both loved,

even to this poor

colorless thing-

I saw it

when I was a child-

little prized among the living

but the dead see,

asking among themselves:

What do I remember

that was shaped

as this thing is shaped?

There is something

something urgent

I have to say to you

and you alone

but it must wait

while I drink in

the joy of your approach,

perhaps for the last time.

And so

with fear in my heart

I drag it out

and keep on talking

for I dare not stop.

Listen while I talk on

against time.

It will not be

for long.

I have forgot

and yet I see clearly enough
I cannot say

that I have gone to hell

for your love

but often

found myself there

in your pursuit.

I do not like it

and wanted to be

in heaven. Hear me out.

Do not turn away.