Friday, January 26, 2007

A Good Start

For those of you who don't know (and many of you don't) I am a HUGE William Carlos Williams fan (or WCW as I refer to him in my head...what great initials!) I am currently mid-obsession and I wanted to share him with the world (or the three to four people who will read this: britt, pants, ry, maybe ben, maybe jess, maybe ken) he is so beautiful and simple--yet complex. I love when authors pack a huge punch with only three little words, makes me wish I was that smart/talented. As I try to write for Britt's new zine reading more helps, espeially poetry, wonder what that tiggers in your brain? Hm.
anyway- here are exceprts from "Asphodel That Greeny Flower"
Of asphodel, that greeny flower,

like a buttercup

upon its branching stem-

save that it's green and wooden-

I come, my sweet,

to sing to you.

We lived long together

a life filled,

if you will,

with flowers. So that

I was cheered

when I came first to know

that there were flowers also

in hell.


I'm filled with the fading memory of those flowers

that we both loved,

even to this poor

colorless thing-

I saw it

when I was a child-

little prized among the living

but the dead see,

asking among themselves:

What do I remember

that was shaped

as this thing is shaped?

There is something

something urgent

I have to say to you

and you alone

but it must wait

while I drink in

the joy of your approach,

perhaps for the last time.

And so

with fear in my heart

I drag it out

and keep on talking

for I dare not stop.

Listen while I talk on

against time.

It will not be

for long.

I have forgot

and yet I see clearly enough
I cannot say

that I have gone to hell

for your love

but often

found myself there

in your pursuit.

I do not like it

and wanted to be

in heaven. Hear me out.

Do not turn away.

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