Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sad Moments

So my Sunday was pretty good. All alone time, but I kept pretty busy doing errands and chores and what not. But tonight I had my first "fight" with Ken and the longest phone coversation I think we've had in the history of our relationship (he's not a phone person, understandable) so it was kind of an emotional rollercoaster type of night. First, I got very frustrated with the search for a wedding venue. The two we were down to didn't impress me overall. Imean they're nce but really they're just OK-each has a major downside. One is more expensive and has a bunch of rnadom fees to consider. The other has the right price but is in the middle of no where. And really I don't know how good my dress will look at either one. So I just got kind of fed up and I told Ken about it and he really just irritated me more. So we were short with each other and it ended on a cold note and I was sad but still so fired up that I wasn't about to apologize first.

So I called my mom and told her the sitch. and we've decided to visit a place in NJ this coming weekend and I'm very excited. I feel that I just need to see something else. Either this trip will confuse me more or it will make me realize how good I have it or that this was the place I was waiting for. This is such a bigger headache than I ever imagined and I have a feeling that it will only get harder from here on out.

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